Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic - Certificate (Career)


For curriculum information, contact the Division of Health, Science, and Technology—Room SET-430—443-518-1600.

This certificate is a track within the Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic degree. Current EMT certification* and all required prerequisite courses must be verified for enrollment in EMSP 160, along with proof of current credential as an EMT as outlined by Code of Maryland (COMAR) regulations.

Suggested Winter Term

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
BIOL 107/107LFundamentals of Microbiology


Suggested Semester 1

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
BIOL 106/106LBasic Anatomy and Physiology


HEAL 105Drug Calculations


Suggested Semester 2

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
EMSP 160Prevention and Management of Emergency Situations


EMSP 200Airway, Patient Assessment, and Trauma Management


Suggested Semester 3

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
EMSP 205Medical Emergencies I


EMSP 210Medical Emergencies II


Suggested Summer Term

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
EMSP 215Medical Emergencies III


Suggested Semester 4

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
EMSP 230Paramedic Internship and Evaluation


Total Credit Hours: 49

*For information on obtaining EMT certification, contact the office of admissions and advising or the program director for Emergency Medical Services.

A grade of “C” or better is required in paramedic, mathematics, and science courses.

A graduate should be able to

  1. Integrate comprehensive knowledge of EMS systems, the safety/well-being of the paramedic, and medical/legal and ethical issues which are intended to improve the health of EMS personnel, patients, and the community.
  2. Integrate a complex depth and comprehensive breadth of knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of all human systems.
  3. Integrate comprehensive anatomical and medical terminology and abbreviations into the written and oral communication with colleagues and other health care professionals.
  4. Integrate comprehensive knowledge of pathophysiology of major human systems.
  5. Integrate comprehensive knowledge of life span development.
  6. Apply fundamental knowledge of principles of public health and epidemiology including public health emergencies, health promotion, and illness and injury prevention.
  7. Integrate comprehensive knowledge of pharmacology to formulate a treatment plan intended to mitigate emergencies and improve the overall health of the patient.
  8. Integrate complex knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology into the assessment to develop and implement a treatment plan with the goal of assuring a patient airway, adequate mechanical ventilation, and respiration for patients of all ages.
  9. Integrate scene and patient assessment findings with knowledge of epidemiology and pathophysiology to form a field impression; this includes developing a list of differential diagnoses through clinical reasoning to modify the assessment and formulate a treatment plan.
  10. Integrate assessment findings with principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for a patient with a medical complaint.
  11. Integrate comprehensive knowledge of causes and pathophysiology into the management of cardiac arrest and peri-arrest states, and integrate a comprehensive knowledge of the causes and pathophysiology into the management of shock, respiratory failure, or arrest with an emphasis on early intervention to prevent arrest.
  12. Integrate assessment findings with principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology to formulate a field impression to implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for an acutely injured patient.
  13. Integrate assessment findings with principles of pathophysiology and knowledge of psychosocial needs to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for patients with special needs.
  14. Apply knowledge of operational roles and responsibilities to ensure safe patient, public, and personnel safety.
  15. Perform a comprehensive history and physical examination to identify factors affecting the health and health needs of a patient; formulate a field impression based on an analysis of comprehensive assessment findings, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and epidemiology; relate assessment findings to underlying pathological and physiological changes in the patient’s condition; integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of health and clinical care; and perform health screening and referrals.
  16. Communicate effectively in a manner that is culturally sensitive and intended to improve the patient outcome.
  17. Perform, safely and effectively, all psychomotor skills within the National EMS Scope of Practice Model and state Scope of Practice at this level.
  18. Function as a role model of exemplary behavior including, but not limited to: integrity, empathy, self-motivation, appearance/personal hygiene, self-confidence, communications, time-management, diplomacy, respect, patient advocacy, and careful delivery of service.
  19. Perform basic and advanced interventions as part of a treatment plan intended to mitigate the emergency, provide symptom relief, and improve the overall health of the patient, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and modify treatment plan accordingly.
  20. Report and document assessment findings and interventions; collect and report data to be used for epidemiological and research purposes.
  21. Perform a patient assessment, and develop a treatment and disposition plan for patients with complaints.
  22. Function as the team leader of a routine, single patient advanced life support emergency call.
  23. Ensure the safety of the rescuer and others during an emergency.