Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Cardiac Monitoring and Analysis - Certificate (Career)


For curriculum information, contact the Division of Health, Science, and Technology—Room SET-430—443-518-1600.

Students learn to apply and interpret rhythm strips, 12-Lead EKGs and Holter monitors. Classes and labs are held on campus. Students may apply to continue in the Cardiovascular Technology degree program after completion of required additional coursework. Graduates may apply to take the national certification examination to become a Certified Cardiographic Technician (CCT) and/or the Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT).

Suggested Summer Term

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
BIOL 101/101LBiology for Allied Health



BIOL 107/107LFundamentals of Microbiology


BIOL 203/203LAnatomy and Physiology I


Suggested Semester 1

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
ENGL 121College Composition


BIOL 204/204LAnatomy and Physiology II


Gen Ed Core MATH 132, MATH 138, MATH 141, or higher core course


Suggested Semester 2

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
CARD 120Rhythm Analysis and 12-lead ECG


CARD 121Cardiovascular Assessment Skills Lab


CARD 122Cardiac Anatomy and Pathophysiology


Total Credit Hours: 26

Placement into ENGL 121 or completion of an English Core course is required for admission to the program.

Anatomy and Physiology courses must be completed no more than five years prior to admission to the first cardiovascular course. BIOL 101 or BIOL 107 must be completed no more than ten years prior to admission to the first cardiovascular course.

A graduate should be able to

  1. Perform a 12 lead ECG.
  2. Interpret rhythm strips and 12 lead ECGs.
  3. Identify cardiac anatomy.
  4. Describe cardiac pathophysiology and common congenital anomalies.
  5. Demonstrate quality patient care as a competent and compassionate healthcare professional.