Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Order of Presentation

  1. Chairperson’s opening remarks.
  2. Opening statements of complainant and respondent.
  3. Presentation of evidence by complainant and respondent.
  4. Questions by members of the hearing panel.
  5. Closing statement by the complainant and the respondent.
  6. Private deliberation by the committee.
  7. Committee decision.

At a student conduct hearing, the technical rules of evidence applicable to civil and criminal cases shall not apply. Evidence will include all facts based on oral testimony of witnesses who are present before the committee and all tangible objective evidence including but not limited to photographs, charts, papers, electronic or other recorded statements. Written statements by witnesses not present at the hearing may be admitted into evidence, but the committee will decide how much weight, if any, will be given to such statements. 

Evidence of a student’s past record may be introduced if a pattern of similar behavior has been demonstrated. The sanction phase of the hearing will consider evidence of pattern behavior. 

  • Any party may present witnesses. Neither the complainant nor the respondent can cross examine or personally question witnesses. If the respondent or the complainant has questions for the witnesses, they may submit those questions to the hearing chairperson during the hearing. The hearing chairperson may use the submitted questions to inform which questions the hearing panel asks.
  • The respondent cannot cross examine or personally question the complainant, and the complainant cannot cross examine or personally question the respondent. If the respondent or the complainant has questions for the other party, they may submit those questions to the hearing chairperson during the hearing. The hearing chairperson may use the submitted questions to inform which questions the hearing panel asks.
  • Witnesses are excluded from the hearing room, but brought in individually before the committee to provide testimony. (This provision does not apply to the complainant and respondent.)
  • At the close of all testimony and after the admission of all evidence, the complainant and the respondent will be allowed a closing statement. Closing statements may include a summation of all evidence (as admitted) and arguments or theories behind the stated position of each side.

The committee will, after hearing all evidence and summations, retire for deliberation. The chairperson of the committee will announce the decision promptly. The committee will issue and make available a written report which is shared with all parties, including the complainant. The chairperson of the committee will notify the respondent of the decision in writing within two business days. See the Sexual Misconduct policy for policies and procedures related to student conduct hearings involving an alleged violation of the Sexual Misconduct policy.