COVID-19 Information

Universal Information

Howard Community College continues to provide high-quality education and support while implementing and maintaining health and safety measures for every member of our college community. Protecting public health during this pandemic is a shared responsibility and every member of our community must do their part to minimize risks. Based on the most recent advice available from federal, state, and local public health officials, HCC takes extra precautions to minimize the risk of spreading the virus on our campus. 

Access to Campus

Individuals should stay home if they are sick or symptomatic. HCC currently operates as “mask-optional” and follows the CDC and health department COVID-19 Guidelines for isolation and quarantine. While these efforts help make our campus safer, it is not possible to guarantee a disease-free environment. Therefore, the college will continue to monitor the level of community transmission and reserves the right to incorporate more stringent protocols should the situation warrant. HCC appreciates everyone doing their part to minimize the spread of this disease.