Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Student Conduct Files and Records

Case referrals may result in the development of a student conduct file in the name of the respondent.

The outcome of all student conduct cases will normally be retained as a student conduct record for seven years from the date of the letter providing notice of the outcome. Files of students who are suspended or expelled will be retained.

The respondent or complainant may listen to a copy of the hearing recording upon written request. The respondent or complainant may request that a written transcript of their own hearing be prepared, at the student’s expense.

Student conduct records may be voided by the provost and executive vice president or designee, for good cause, upon written petition of the respondent.  Factors to be considered in review of such petitions include:

  • The present demeanor of the student.
  • The conduct of the student subsequent to the violation.
  • The nature of the violation and the severity of any damage, injury, or harm resulting from it.
  • The completion of sanctions from all prior incidents.