2017-2018 College Catalog / Programs of Study
Accelerated Cardiovascular Program for Hospital Trainees - Certificate (Career)
Accounting - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Actuarial Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Arabic - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Art - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Asian Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Baking and Pastries - Culinary Management Certificate (Career)
Bioinformatics - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Biomedical Engineering Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Biomedical Engineer Specialist - Biomedical Engineering Certificate (Career)
Bioprocessing Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Bioprocessing Technology - Certificate (Career)
Bioprocessing Technology - Letter of Recognition
Biotechnology - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Business Administration - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Business Management - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Cardiac Monitoring and Analysis - Certificate (Career)
Cardiovascular Technology for Health Care Professionals - Certificate (Career)
Cardiovascular Technology–Invasive Technologist - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Certified Bookkeeping - Certificate (Career)
Cisco Certified Networking - Computer Support Technology Certificate (Career)
Communication Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Computer-Aided Design Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Computer-Aided Design Technology - Certificate (Career)
Computer Engineering - A.S.E. Degree (Transfer)
Computer Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Construction Management - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Construction Management - Certificate (Career)
Criminal Justice - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Culinary Management - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Cyber Forensics Technology - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Cyber Forensics Technology - Certificate (Career)
Cybersecurity - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Dance Performance - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Vascular Certificate (Career)
Early Childhood Development - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Early Childhood Development - Certificate (Career)
Early Childhood Development - Letter of Recognition
Early Childhood Education - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Electrical Engineering - A.S.E. Degree (Transfer)
Electronics Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Electronics Technology - Certificate (Career)
Elementary Education - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Elementary Education/Elementary Special Education - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic - Certificate (Career)
Engineering - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
English - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Entertainment Technology A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Entertainment Technology - Certificate (Career)
Entrepreneurship - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Entrepreneurship - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Entrepreneurship - Certificate (Career)
Entrepreneurship - Letter of Recognition
Environmental Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Event Management - Hospitality Management Certificate (Career)
Exercise Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Film Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Financial Planning - Letter of Recognition
Fire Science and Leadership - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Food and Beverage Management - Hospitality Management Certificate (Career)
Gaming and Simulation Design - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
General Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
General Studies–Business, Leadership, Technology Emphasis - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
General Studies for Certificate Students - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
General Studies–Science Emphasis A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Graphic and Interactive Design - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Healthcare Documentation Specialist - Office Technology Certificate (Career)
Health Care for the Professional - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Health Education - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Health Information Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Health Information Technology - Certificate (Advanced)
Health Information Technology - Certificate (Core)
Help Desk/LAN Support Technology - Computer Support Technology Certificate (Career)
Hospitality Management - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Human Services - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Information Systems Assurance - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Information Technology - CISCO Networking - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Information Technology - Mobile Development - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Information Technology - Programming - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Information Technology - Web Development - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
International Business - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Legal Administrative Professional - Letter of Recognition
Legal Administrative Professional - Office Technology Certificate (Career)
Liberal Arts - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Life Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Lodging Management - Hospitality Management Certificate (Career)
LPN Pathway Sequence - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Mathematics - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Medical Laboratory Technician - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Military to RN Pathway Sequence - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Mobile Applications Development - Letter of Recognition
Music - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Music Education (Choral/General) - Letter of Recognition
Music Education (Instrumental) - Letter of Recognition
Music History - Letter of Recognition
Music Performance–Jazz - Letter of Recognition
Music Performance–Voice - Letter of Recognition
Music Technology–Audio Techniques - Letter of Recognition
Music Therapy - Letter of Recognition
Network Security Administration - Certificate (Career)
Nuclear Medicine Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Nursing - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Nursing–Accelerated - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Nursing–Licensed Practical Nursing - Certificate (Career)
Nutrition - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Office Assistant - Office Technology Certificate (Career)
Office Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Paramedic to RN Pathway Sequence - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Philosophy and Religious Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Physical Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Physical Therapist Assistant - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Plant Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Pre-Allied Health - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Pre-Medicine - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Pre-Pharmacy - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Professional Coaching - Business Management Certificate (Career)
Professional Cooking - Culinary Management Certificate (Career)
Public Health - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Radiologic (X-Ray) Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Respiratory Care - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Secondary Education—Chemistry - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education–English - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education—Humanities/Arts - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education–Mathematics - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education—Mathematics/Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education–Physics - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education—Social Sciences - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Secondary Education–Spanish - Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (Transfer)
Social Sciences - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Software Applications Specialist - Letter of Recognition
Spanish - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Surgical Technology - A.A.S. Degree (Career)
Surgical Technology - Certificate (Career)
Teacher Education - Professional Education Courses for Maryland Certification (Professional Training)
Television and Radio - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Theatre - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Theatre/Performance - Letter of Recognition
Theatre/Technical - Letter of Recognition
Web Developer - Information Technology Certificate (Career)
Women’s Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)