Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Academic Advising

Academic Advising Defined

“Academic advising, based in the teaching and learning mission of higher education, is a series of intentional interactions with a curriculum, a pedagogy, and a set of student learning outcomes. Academic advising synthesizes and contextualizes students’ educational experiences within the frameworks of their aspirations, abilities and lives to extend learning beyond campus boundaries and timeframes.” NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. (2006). NACADA concept of academic advising.

Your academic advisor plays a critical role in helping you identify and achieve your academic goals. During the advising process, students will engage in a decision-making process to discover their maximum educational potential through communication and information exchanges with an advisor. Additionally, advising is ongoing, multifaceted, and the responsibility of both student and advisor. Advisors will work with you on Academic Completion Plans, Academic Exploration, Navigating College Challenges, Transfer from HCC, and will also be able to direct you to important college resources.

In order to get the most out of your relationship with your advisor, be sure to review the timeline on the Advising section of the college's website frequently. It outlines questions to consider at various points in your college career, based on the number of credits you have earned along the way. You and your advisor will work together to ensure you’re progressing toward your goal in a timely and efficient manner.

Why should I meet with an advisor?

One of the most important steps to success in your college education is to fully engage in academic advising. 

During the advising process, students will engage in a decision-making process to discover their maximum educational potential through communication and information exchanges with an advisor. Additionally, advising is ongoing, multifaceted, and the responsibility of both student and advisor.

Academic Advising isn’t simply a department – it’s a partnership between you and your academic advisor, and you will benefit from using these services regularly.

Here are a sample of some concepts that you may explore with your advisor:

  • Learn to locate accurate and credible information to aid in your academic program planning process.
  • Develop a short-term plan for each semester and a long-term plan for graduation and/or transfer. 
  • Identify where and how to locate academic resources on campus.
  • Explore the variety of enriching experiences HCC has to offer like study abroad, service learning, and internships.

Advising Appointments and Drop-In Services are available in person and virtually. Advising services and hours are located under Advising on the college's website.

  • Appointments with your advisor can be made for the following:
    • Academic Completion Plans
    • Academic Exploration
    • Navigating College Challenges
    • Transfer from HCC
    • SAP Appeals
    • First-Term Accepted HCC Students
  • Drop-In Advising is available for the following:
    • Graduation Application Assistance
    • Area of Study Change Form
    • Course Waivers/Exceptions
  • Front-Desk Service:
    • Student Planning, Progress, and Course Search Assistance 

For further information contact the office of Advising at