Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Student Life

Student life is comprised of the student government association (SGA), the student program board (SPB), The HCC Times (student-run news site), co-curricular and diversity programs, the wellness center, the game room, clubs, the HCC food pantry, and leadership development. Each area provides a distinct service and opportunity to HCC students that complement the classroom through social, identity-affirming, experiential, and leadership experiences. Activities center student input and participation. Any student who has the desire is strongly encouraged to get involved with Student Life as a leader, participant, or volunteer to ensure that these programs are reflective of the interests of the student body.

Student life also plans several off-campus trips and offers discounts and services to students and other members of the HCC community. Further information is available on the student life portion of the website at, the office's group page on myHCC, or by contacting them directly at 443-518-1420 or

All student life programs are funded by student-generated fees.

Location: Second floor of the Student Activities Building (SA-200).

Student Government Association

The student government association (SGA) allows student involvement in the shared governance structure of the college and serves as the student body's official voice. The SGA is comprised of the SGA president, officers, senators, and general membership. Working with the student life team, SGA is responsible for designating student funds to college clubs and organizations, as well as selecting specific themes and issues for programs brought to the college by the student body. Members of the SGA senate play a significant role in representing the student body in various college areas. All students are invited and encouraged to participate. For more information about SGA and how to get involved, call 443-518-4573, e-mail, or stop by the student life and student government offices.

Location: Second floor of the Student Activities Building (SA-200).

Student Program Board

The student program board (SPB) is responsible for selecting, planning and implementing a diverse offering of social and educational activities for all HCC students. This board is led by the SPB coordinators and comprised of full and part-time students. Students wishing to serve on this board are invited to join by emailing SPB, visiting the office, or attending one of SPB's regular meetings. Activities include, but are not limited to, dances, movies, concerts, lectures, films, cultural arts, and special events. For more information on how to get involved with SPB, e-mail, call 443-518-4845, or stop by the student life and SPB offices.

Location: Second floor of the student activities building (SA-202).

The HCC Times

The student news site (The HCC Times) is published online by students for the college community. The student news site staff work with the many different departments on campus to keep the school population informed about school events, resources, and club activities.

The news site needs student participation and wishes to encourage any student having an interest in working on The HCC Times team to contact the site's staff or a student life staff member. Opportunities exist for experiences in photography, desktop publishing, layout and design, advertising, creative writing, and reporting. For more information on how to get involved, e-mail, call 443-518-4937, or stop by the student life and The HCC Times offices. 

Location: Second floor of the student activities building (SA-204).

The Wellness Center

The wellness center provides a centralized location for students to learn more about wellness-related topics, address health concerns, and work toward self-improvement. The main goal of the wellness center is to empower students to make informed decisions about their health, enhancing their well-being and quality of life. Areas of focus include stress management, nutrition, fitness, sexual health, alcohol and substance abuse, and preventative health services.


The wellness center hosts a variety of health promotion and outreach programs including awareness, prevention, and fitness activities, and provides students with referrals to local health, crisis, and counseling resources. The sexual health clinic is available multiple days a week to all students and offers both testing and treatment options. The wellness center also provides discounted acupuncture, massage, and reiki to current students. Stop by and talk with the staff or pick-up free materials including educational brochures, first-aid supplies, and personal care items. 


For more information, please call 443-518-4950 or visit  

Location: CL-178.

HCC Food Pantry

The HCC food pantry is part of the wellness center and the fueling dragons program, which provides food security resources and promotes healthy eating habits and skills in a three-pillar approach of education, access, and support. The program provides weekly meal kits, cooking videos, and educational opportunities in tandem with the food pantry and campus garden.

Students can access the pantry weekly for grocery items to include shelf-stable, fresh, refrigerated, and frozen items. Students can select 10 items or 12 items with their own reusable bag during their shopping trip. Overall, the pantry focuses on healthier options using the supporting wellness at pantries (SWAP) model to organize the pantry, highlighting products lower in saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. To support hungry students, HCC food pantry offers a grab and go section featuring a breakfast or lunch kit for students. Hours vary by semester. For more information, call the pantry at 443-518-4325 or e-mail

Location: CL-169 (next to the wellness center)

The Game Room

HCC students are invited to visit the game room throughout the year at their leisure. The game room is equipped with widescreen TVs, pool tables, table tennis, foosball, and video game systems free of charge for students. Board games are also provided for student enjoyment. Students are required to sign-in upon entering the game room, and must provide proof that they are currently enrolled by showing their student ID with the current semester sticker. For more information, please call 443-518-1420.

Location: First floor of the student activities building (SA-100).


Clubs can be created and led by students who wish to explore topics and issues that relate to a particular interest. Club charter and club registration forms are available on Campus Groups and can be submitted each semester.  If students have questions about how to start a club or register an existing one, they should contact the student government association at or stop by the office of student life (SA-200).