Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

MUSC 208 Music Therapy in Education

Music Therapy in Education is designed to present and explore theoretical foundations as well as practical methods of the uses of music therapy in schools. This course will present an overview of music education and special education and examine the role of music therapy in schools. It is designed for music therapy students, music educators and special education teachers. Music therapy students will continue to expand their Music Therapy Professional Portfolios with papers, readings, observations, and techniques.



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Course Objectives

  1. 1. Identify and discuss relevant federal laws and regulations pertaining to education, special education, and music therapy in schools.
  2. 2. Describe music therapy assessments used in school settings and differentiate among them as to uses, populations, validity, and reliability.
  3. 3. Explain ethics and confidentiality as it pertains to students in schools.
  4. 4. Design an Individual Education Plan.
  5. 5. Describe an interdisciplinary team with special emphasis on the role of the music therapist.
  6. 6. Discuss music therapy techniques used in schools.
  7. 7. Explain the roles of music therapy in education.

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Identify and discuss relevant federal laws and regulations pertaining to education, special education, and music therapy in schools.
  2. 2. Describe music therapy assessments used in school settings and differentiate among them as to uses, populations, validity, and reliability.
  3. 3. Explain ethics and confidentiality as it pertains to students in schools.
  4. 4. Design an Individual Education Plan.
  5. 5. Describe an interdisciplinary team with special emphasis on the role of the music therapist.
  6. 6. Discuss music therapy techniques used in schools.
  7. 7. Explain the roles of music therapy in education.