Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

HEED 114 Introduction to Therapeutic Massage

This course is designed to explore fundamental topics in the use of therapeutic massage and its role in the wellness model of the healthcare system. The history of massage will be introduced and relevant research into the validity of this modality will be discussed. The ethical and professional standards for massage therapists are presented as well as workplace standards, professional alliances, and practice management issues. Time will also be devoted to discussions of massage manipulations, bodywork techniques, the purpose of touch and emerging trends in the field.



Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Describe professional touch and explain the history of therapeutic massage and its
    impact on modern trends and practices.
  2. 2. Define a scope of practice for therapeutic massage and understand the standards
    of practice for massage and bodywork.
  3. 3. Identify legal and credentialing concerns for massage therapists.
  4. 4. Cite current research validating the use of therapeutic massage.
  5. 5. Explain the effects of therapeutic massage in physiologic terms.
  6. 6. Use a clinical reasoning model to determine the appropriate intervention process
    and work effectively as a member of the wellness/healthcare team.
  7. 7. Understand the physiologic mechanisms of complementary bodywork systems
    and identify overlap in the technical skills and philosophies among the various
  8. 8. Consider a direction of interest for further study.

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Describe professional touch and explain the history of therapeutic massage and its
    impact on modern trends and practices.
  2. 2. Define a scope of practice for therapeutic massage and understand the standards
    of practice for massage and bodywork.
  3. 3. Identify legal and credentialing concerns for massage therapists.
  4. 4. Cite current research validating the use of therapeutic massage.
  5. 5. Explain the effects of therapeutic massage in physiologic terms.
  6. 6. Use a clinical reasoning model to determine the appropriate intervention process
    and work effectively as a member of the wellness/healthcare team.
  7. 7. Understand the physiologic mechanisms of complementary bodywork systems
    and identify overlap in the technical skills and philosophies among the various
  8. 8. Consider a direction of interest for further study.