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DANC - Dance
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DANC - Dance
DANC 100
DANC 104
DANC 106
DANC 107
DANC 112
DANC 113
DANC 114
DANC 125
DANC 126
DANC 127
DANC 128
DANC 150
DANC 151
DANC 152
DANC 161
DANC 162
DANC 165
DANC 166
DANC 167
DANC 168
DANC 171
DANC 172
DANC 188
DANC 192
DANC 193
DANC 194
DANC 195
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DMSU - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
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RADT - Radiologic Technology
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DANC 100
Introduction to Dance
DANC 104
Hip-Hop Dance
DANC 106
Practicum in Choreography, Performance, or Production
DANC 107
Practicum in Choreography, Performance, or Production
DANC 112
Dance Repertory I
DANC 113
Music Concepts for Dance
DANC 114
History and Culture of Hip-Hop
DANC 125
Contemporary Modern Dance Techniques: Intermediate I
DANC 126
Contemporary Modern Dance Techniques: Intermediate II
DANC 127
Contemporary Modern Dance Techniques: Intermediate III
DANC 128
Contemporary Modern Dance Techniques: Intermediate IV
DANC 150
Dance Improvisation
DANC 151
Directed Choreography I
DANC 152
Practicum in Performance: Directed Performance
DANC 161
Beginning Ballet Technique I
DANC 162
Beginning Ballet Technique II
DANC 165
Intermediate Ballet Technique I
DANC 166
Intermediate Ballet Technique II
DANC 167
Intermediate Ballet Technique III
DANC 168
Intermediate Ballet Technique IV
DANC 171
Beginning Contemporary Modern Dance Technique I
DANC 172
Beginning Contemporary Modern Dance Technique II
DANC 188
African Dance
DANC 192
Jazz Dance
DANC 193
Intermediate Jazz Dance I
DANC 194
Tap Dance
DANC 195
Intermediate Tap Dance I