Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

DMSU 290 Introduction to Cardiac Ultrasound

This course is a condensed version of DMSU 191 and DMSU 292. In this course, students will focus on normal anatomy, scan techniques, cardiac measurement, and new dynamics and case-study presentations. This course includes cardiovascular assessment techniques (TTE & TEE), physics and ultrasound review, and an introduction to the theoretical and practical principles of basic M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiography examination of the adult heart. The students will also learn briefly about left and right systolic functions, ventricular diastolic filling functions, ischemic heart diseases, cardio-myopathies, hypertensive and pulmonary heart disease, pericardial diseases, valvular stenosis, valvular regurgitation, the prosthetic valves, endocarditis, cardiac masses and the potential cardiac source of embolus, diseases of great vessels, and adult and congenital heart diseases. Students will also practice Doppler measurements and calculations to assess the cardiac functions - EF, Qp/Qs, MVA, AVA by PISA method, DT, IVRT, left ventricular diastolic functions, pulmonary vein flow, and hepatic vein flow. This course is required to complete the vascular concentration of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.




DMSU 254


DMSU 255 and DMSU 261

Hours Weekly

2.5 hours theory, 2 hours on-campus lab weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Differentiate between the anatomic structures of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Evaluate the function of the heart.
  3. Illustrate the blood vessels of the human body from the aorta through body tissues and back to the right
  4. Illustrate the heart chambers and valves through which blood passes from the time it enters the vena
    cava, through its path through the lungs, and back through the left heart to the aorta.
  5. Summarize the indications for echocardiography.
  6. Integrate clinical data and test results.
  7. Demonstrate the protocol for each of the basic views of the heart.
  8. Perform measurements related to M-mode interpretation.
  9. Perform routine 2D views and protocols for the heart with measurement.
  10. Recognize the sonographic appearance of the valve pathologies.
  11. Appraise the basic principles of endocarditis, cardiac masses, the diseases of great vessels, and the
    congenital heart diseases.
  12. Demonstrate Trans Thoracic Echo (TTE) and Trans Esophageal Echo (TEE) Examination.

Course Objectives

  1. Differentiate between the anatomic structures of the cardiovascular system.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    6. Identify anatomical structures in the different sectional planes and compare the changes due to the pathology to normal anatomy.

  2. Evaluate the function of the heart.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    6. Identify anatomical structures in the different sectional planes and compare the changes due to the pathology to normal anatomy.

  3. Illustrate the blood vessels of the human body from the aorta through body tissues and back to the right

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    6. Identify anatomical structures in the different sectional planes and compare the changes due to the pathology to normal anatomy.

  4. Illustrate the heart chambers and valves through which blood passes from the time it enters the vena
    cava, through its path through the lungs, and back through the left heart to the aorta.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    6. Identify anatomical structures in the different sectional planes and compare the changes due to the pathology to normal anatomy.

  5. Summarize the indications for echocardiography.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    2. Prepare the patient for the sonographic examinations based upon the appropriate specialty.

  6. Integrate clinical data and test results.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    2. Prepare the patient for the sonographic examinations based upon the appropriate specialty.

  7. Demonstrate the protocol for each of the basic views of the heart.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Demonstrate proper instrumentation of ultrasound equipment and proper scanning techniques and protocols of human body organs.

  8. Perform measurements related to M-mode interpretation.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Demonstrate proper instrumentation of ultrasound equipment and proper scanning techniques and protocols of human body organs.

  9. Perform routine 2D views and protocols for the heart with measurement.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Demonstrate proper instrumentation of ultrasound equipment and proper scanning techniques and protocols of human body organs.

  10. Recognize the sonographic appearance of the valve pathologies.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    6. Identify anatomical structures in the different sectional planes and compare the changes due to the pathology to normal anatomy.

  11. Appraise the basic principles of endocarditis, cardiac masses, the diseases of great vessels, and the
    congenital heart diseases.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    6. Identify anatomical structures in the different sectional planes and compare the changes due to the pathology to normal anatomy.

  12. Demonstrate Trans Thoracic Echo (TTE) and Trans Esophageal Echo (TEE) Examination.

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Diagnostic Medical Sonography - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Demonstrate proper instrumentation of ultrasound equipment and proper scanning techniques and protocols of human body organs.