Early Childhood Education - A.A. Degree (Transfer)
A Teacher Education Area of Study
Application Code 130
For curriculum information, contact the Social Sciences and Teacher Education Division—Room ST-149—443-518-1620.
Early Childhood Education is defined as grades PreK through three in the state of Maryland. This curriculum is designed for students who are interested in transferring to an Early Childhood Education program at a four-year college or university outside of Maryland as well as students who are not eligible to complete the requirements of the Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) degree. While this curriculum is designed to prepare students to pursue a bachelor’s degree program at the college or university level, students are advised to check the requirements of the institution to which they intend to transfer.
General Education Core
Students enrolled in transfer patterns must take a minimum of 30 credits in General Education. Each student’s total of general education and required courses must equal at least 60 semester hours of credit.
Humanities, Arts and Literature
One Humanities Core Course (3 credits), plus one Arts Core Course (3 credits), plus one Literature Core Course (3 credits) satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement, OR a World Language Sequence (8 credits), plus another Humanities, Arts, and Literature Core (3 credits) in a second discipline other than a world language satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement.
Social Sciences
| Biological Science with lab (BIOL) | 4 |
| Physical Science with lab (CHEM, PHYS, GEOL, ASTR) | 4 |
Required Courses Related to Major
Total Credit Hours: 60-64
Education requirements vary among transfer institutions and are currently being evaluated. It is essential to meet with your advisor regularly to be aware of program and certification changes.