Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Bioprocessing Technology - Letter of Recognition

For curriculum information, contact the Science, Engineering, and Technology Division – Room ST-248 – 443-518-1600.

Mid-Maryland Allied Healthcare Education Consortium
Frederick Community College Letter of Recognition

The Bioprocessing Technology letter of recognition provides an introductory level of training to prepare individuals to work as process operators in biological products manufacturing. Students will be introduced to concepts related to bioprocessing technology, and will learn basic laboratory skills, workplace safety, and general regulations that apply to the bioprocessing industry.

Courses Offered at Frederick Community College

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits

Total Credit Hours: 8

Students interested in pursuing a degree at HCC in addition to preparing for this letter of recognition should see “Allied Health Programs” or “Mid-Maryland Allied Health Care Education Consortium”  and also meet with an allied health advisor in the office of Admissions and Advising.