Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Physical Science - A.A. Degree (Transfer)

An Arts and Sciences Area of Study

Application Code 50

For curriculum information, contact the Science, Engineering, and Technology Division—Room ST-248—443-518-1600.

There is a need for trained physical scientists in government and industry to meet society’s increasing emphasis on science and technology. Diversified fields of specialization within the physical sciences include astronomy, chemistry, geology, meteorology, physics, lab technicians (B.S.), technical writing, and secondary and college teaching. This area of study provides a strong mathematics background and emphasizes the ability to apply theory to solve problems in physical science, especially chemistry and physics. There is also emphasis on operating laboratory equipment and collecting data to appraise, use and interpret, including the identification of unknowns. Students interested in this curriculum are advised to check the requirements of the institution to which they intend to transfer.

General Education Core

Students enrolled in transfer patterns must take a minimum of 30 credits in General Education. Each student’s total of general education and required courses must equal at least 60 semester hours of credit.


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Humanities Core Course

Arts Core Course

Literature Core Course


One Humanities Core Course (3 credits), plus one Arts Core Course (3 credits), plus one Literature Core Course (3 credits) satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement, OR a World Language Sequence (8 credits), plus another Humanities, Arts, and Literature Core (3 credits) in a second discipline other than a world language satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement.

Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Courses


One History Core Course is required and may be taken as either a Social and Behavioral Sciences Core or a Humanities Core. No more than 6 credits may be taken in History to meet Humanities Core and Social and Behavioral Sciences Core requirements.


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
CHEM-101General Inorganic Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM-102General Inorganic Chemistry II

4 credits


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
MATH-181Calculus I

4 credits




Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Interdisciplinary -Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Core Course


Required Courses Related to Major

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
PHYS-110General Physics I (calculus)

4 credits

PHYS-111General Physics II (calculus)

4 credits

PHYS-112General Physics III (calculus)

3 credits

Arts and Sciences -Arts and Sciences Elective



Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
MATH-182Calculus II

4 credits



Electives – Select 12 credits from the following:

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
ASTR-104Elementary Astronomy

3 credits

ASTR-114Elementary Astronomy Lab

1 credit

CHEM-201Organic Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM-202Organic Chemistry II

4 credits

GEOL-107Introduction to Physical Geology

3 credits

GEOL-117Introduction to Physical Geology - Lab

1 credit

GEOL-108Historical Geology

3 credits

GEOL-118Historical Geology Laboratory

1 credit

GEOL-115Regional Geology

4 credits


3 credits

METO-112Meteorology Laboratory

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:12

Total Credit Hours: 61-66