Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Computer Engineering - A.S.E. Degree (Transfer)

Application Code 256

For curriculum information, contact the Science, Engineering, and Technology Division—Room ST-248—443-518-1600.

This program is designed for students preparing to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems. Their work is the link between scientific discoveries and the commercial applications that meet societal and consumer needs. Computer engineers have training in electronic engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering. Students interested in this curriculum, however, are advised to check the requirements of the institution to which they intend to transfer

General Education Core

Students enrolled in transfer patterns must take a minimum of 30 credits in General Education. Each student’s total of general education and required courses must equal at least 60 semester hours of credit.


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Humanities Core Course

Arts Core Course

Literature Core Course


One Core Course must be taken in two of the following Core areas: Humanities Core, Arts Core and Literature Core, OR a World Language Sequence (8 credits) satisfies the Literature, Arts and Humanities Core requirement.

Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Courses


One History Core Course is required and may be taken as either a Social and Behavioral Sciences Core or a Humanities Core. No more than 6 credits may be taken in History to meet Humanities Core and Social and Behavioral Sciences Core requirements.


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
CHEM-135Chemistry for Engineers

3 credits


CHEM-101General Inorganic Chemistry I

4 credits

PHYS-110General Physics I (calculus)

4 credits

PHYS-111General Physics II (calculus)

4 credits

CHEM-135: University of Maryland College Park accepts CHEM-135, Chemistry for Engineers, as its chemistry requirement.


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
MATH-181Calculus I

4 credits

Required Courses Related to Major

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
CMSY-141Computer Science I

4 credits

CMSY-171Computer Science II

4 credits

ENES-100Introduction to Engineering Design

3 credits

ENES-205Electric Circuits

4 credits

ENES-222Elements of Discrete Signal Analysis

4 credits

ENES-244Digital Logic Design

3 credits

ENES-245Digital Circuits & Systems Laboratory

2 credits

MATH-182Calculus II

4 credits

MATH-220Discrete Structures

3 credits

MATH-260Differential Equations

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 64-67

A grade of “C” or better is required in Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics courses.