Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish IV

In order to refine their ability to communicate at the fourth intermediate level, students apply language skills in interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes in everyday tenses and contexts. Student deepen the comparisons of Spanish-speaking cultures, practices, perspectives, and artifacts to students’ own cultures; connect the Spanish language to other relevant disciplines; and expand their use of the Spanish language outside of the classroom in a variety of contexts. Content and supporting language structures and vocabulary will be theme-based, with outcomes measured in a variety of ways, including task-based activities that support effective communication around a theme.



Hours Weekly


Course Objectives

  1. Communicate through application of language skills in interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes at fourth intermediate level
  2. Integrate cultural practices, products, and perspectives in language learning
  3. Make connections to other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use language to function in real-life situations
  4. Explain the nature of language and culture through comparisons of the language studied and their primary language
  5. Interact and communicate with appropriate groups in the target language

Course Objectives

  1. Communicate through application of language skills in interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes at fourth intermediate level

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Oral Communication Rubric

    Oral Communication

    • OC2
    • OC4
  2. Integrate cultural practices, products, and perspectives in language learning

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Other (please fill out box below)

    Oral Communication

    • OC2
  3. Make connections to other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use language to function in real-life situations

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Oral Communication Rubric

    Oral Communication

    • OC3
  4. Explain the nature of language and culture through comparisons of the language studied and their primary language

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Other (please fill out box below)

    Oral Communication

    • OC1
    • OC4
  5. Interact and communicate with appropriate groups in the target language

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Oral Communication Rubric

    Oral Communication

    • OC1