Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Academic Support, Counseling and Career Services


Ambiciones provides a supportive community designed to meet the unique needs of Hispanic/Latino students. 
The program provides networking opportunities, educational and recreational activities, and workshops with other Hispanic/Latino students and campus organizations.  Students can also receive specialized guidance and assistance with academic and career advising, tutoring, mentoring, coaching, financial aid and scholarship opportunities.  For further information, call 443-518-1300 or visit RCF-302.

Career and Life Planning Services

Career counseling, and career assessments, are available to any student, prospective student, or alumnus to assist them with deciding on a college learning program or career field of interest, preparing to enter the job market, or when considering a career change. The college offers a wide variety of career services that help students focus on their values, interests, skills, and personality traits. These services include career counseling, special topic workshops, career assessments, job assistance services, and internship experiences. The resource library is open to the public and provides a variety of job and career materials, including printed resources, videotapes, computerized self-assessments, and computers with career software and access to the internet. For more information, contact the career services office, room RCF-340, call 443-518-1340, or visit our website at

Career Links

The Career Links program assists low-income single parents, displaced homemakers, and single pregnant women to become economically self-sufficient. The goals of the program are to achieve education and career goals toward long-term economic self-sufficiency.

Career Links staff will help participants determine their goals and decide on the type of work they would like to do based on their interests and past experiences. If appropriate, the staff will help participants plan a program of study, assist with the application for college admission and financial aid, as well as facilitate the registration process. Information on resume writing, interviewing skills, the job search process, and job retention is provided. The staff will also assist program participants with concerns that interfere with job or school activities. Staff members can make referrals to a wide variety of community services. The Career Links program assists with any difficulty participants may encounter on their way to economic self-sufficiency.

Low-income single parents, displaced homemakers, or single pregnant women should contact the counseling and career services office for further information and to attend a Career Links program orientation. For further information, call 443-518-4954 or 443-518-1340.

Completion Services

Completion Services assists in the development of retention plans that support students’ academic persistence and success. This includes student academic monitoring, assessment, follow-up, and skill reinforcement, which complements enhanced student performance. Programs and services provided by Completion Services include Early Alert, Academic Warning, and Academic Suspension Appeals. For further information, call 443-518-1320.

Cooperative Education/Internships

Cooperative education (co-ops) and internships are both forms of experiential learning. These experiences are directly related to a student's area of study or career interests and are intended for students to develop professional skills and greater knowledge of the world of work while still in college. Internships are not associated with academic credit, while co-ops are internships for academic credit. Students who are interested in internships should schedule an appointment with career services, room RCF-340 or call 443-518-1340. Students who are interested in co-ops should contact the Center for Learning Engagement, room MH-120 or call 443-518-1885.

Disability Support Services

HCC is committed to providing an accessible education and supportive learning environment for all students. A student, a or prospective student, with a disability may make an appointment with a counselor in the disability support services (DSS) office at any time for information and assistance. DSS counselors can assist a student through the application, advising and registration process. In order to receive academic accommodations, the student must provide appropriate documentation of the disability to this office. After an informational interview, the counselor and the student will discuss appropriate academic accommodations and sign an agreement. As a result of this, accommodation memos will be produced for each of the student's instructors. Every semester, the student will request accommodation memos online, the DSS office will produce them and they will be emailed to the student. Then the student will forward them to each instructor and have a discussion about how the accommodations will work in that particular class. Once this happens, the student can receive the accommodations. If requested, DSS counselors will assist in this conversation.  All information provided will be kept confidential and will be used only to determine appropriate and reasonable academic accommodations.

Due to the difficulty of scheduling qualified sign language interpreters, it is highly recommended that students in both credit and non-credit classes needing interpreters work closely with the interpreter coordinator and complete early registration to give the college greater time to find an appropriate sign language interpreter. To request sign language interpreting services, please send an e-mail to, call 443-539-8186 on the videophone or call (voice only) 443-518-3348. Interpreters are also available for college activities.

Services provided to students with documented disabilities include: advocacy, interpreters, notetaking assistance, test-taking accommodations, counseling, academic advising, and assistive technology. For further information regarding scheduling services, assistive technology, course substitutions, personal care attendants, service animals, the grievance process, or other concerns related to students with disabilities, please contact the DSS office at 443-518-1300, or in person in room RCF-302.

A noncredit student with disabilities who requires accommodations must e-mail workforce, career, and community education at in a timely fashion, preferably at least two weeks before the first class begins, so that suitable assistance may be provided in a timely fashion. All information is kept confidential.

Employment Counseling

Employment counseling, or job assistance services, are available to students, alumni, and community members. Available resources include access to our online job/internship database, Handshake, job-hunting reference material, and the career center webpage which links to many job/career websites. Job/internship fairs are held on campus twice a year and are open to students, alumni, and community members. Regularly scheduled on-campus recruiting visits by recruiters from a variety of job fields also occur. For more information, contact the career services office, room RCF-340, call 443-518-1340, or visit our website at

Howard P.R.I.D.E.

The Howard P.R.I.D.E. program inspires leadership that encourages the continued academic, professional and personal development of minority male, particularly African American, students at Howard Community College. The significant components of the program are primarily focused on providing African American male students’ with academic and social support. For more information, call 443-518-1300 or stop by RCF 302.

Learning Assistance Center

The Learning Assistance Center (LAC) provides tutoring and academic support services to all students enrolled in credit courses who would like to become more successful and efficient learners. The LAC, located in RCF 340, provides free group tutoring in most courses offered at the college. Drop-in tutoring services are scheduled and advertised each semester. The LAC also provides individualized assistance on study skills, learning styles, time management, memory building, note taking, and test-taking. Drop-in help for writing assignments is available in the Write Room, located inside the LAC. Tutoring, writing, and study skills software are available for use on computers. For further information visit

Personal Counseling

College can sometimes be a difficult and stressful time for students. With students trying to juggle school, work, and family responsibilities, there are times when these demands can be overwhelming. Short-term individual counseling and crisis intervention are available to registered credit HCC students who are struggling with a variety of concerns. Students are eligible for personal counseling services during the summer if they are enrolled in summer classes, were enrolled in the previous spring semester, or are registered for the upcoming fall semester. Confidential personal counseling services are free for HCC credit students on an appointment basis and during crisis walk-in hours. Educational resources on a wide range of mental health issues are also available, along with information and referral to community programs and services. To schedule an appointment or for further information, contact the counseling office, room RCF-302, or call 443-518-1340. Please feel free to visit our webpage at for additional resources.

Vocational Support Services

Vocational Support Services is designed for students in vocational/career programs who are having academic difficulties or are part of special populations (i.e. individuals with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, single parents, etc.). The Vocational Support Services Program provides free small group and individual tutoring in vocational courses, such as nursing, accounting, and electronics. Career counseling is available from a Career Specialist located in career services, room RCF-302. Group test reviews for vocational courses, and study skills and test-taking workshops are also available. Additionally, the program assists students with disabilities majoring in vocational/career programs in arranging accommodations and specialized equipment.