Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

PHYS 112/112L General Physics III (Calculus)

Students will develop an understanding of general wave phenomena including propagation, superposition, standing waves, and Fourier series with applications to mechanical, electromagnetic, and quantum mechanical waves. Students will also investigate wave intensity, geometric and wave optics, photons and the photoelectric effect, and a brief introduction to special relativity. Students will refine their understanding through small group and whole class discussions, class demonstrations, laboratory experiments, computer simulations, practice problems and tutorials (involving calculus as needed), and self-reflection. In the laboratory portion of the course, students will learn to use common physics equipment (including microcomputer-based sensors), design experiments, analyze data and uncertainty, develop empirical models of phenomena, and communicate their results. 




MATH 182, PHYS 111, and eligible to enroll in ENGL 121

Hours Weekly

2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Recognize intuitive ideas about the behavior of the physical world and refine these ideas
    through class discussions and by comparing and contrasting these ideas with results from
    experiments and computer simulations.
  2. Interpret and communicate concepts through written descriptions, equations, graphs, and
    diagrams using appropriate symbols, notation, and vocabulary.
  3. Describe the characteristics, propagation, reflection, and superposition of linear waves both
    graphically and mathematically.
  4. Apply ray, wave, or photon models as appropriate to solve problems involving light interacting
    with boundaries, lenses, mirrors, obstructions, openings, and atoms.
  5. Apply the de Broglie wavelength concept to simple examples to calculate quantized energy
    levels and explain Heisenberg‘s uncertainty principle.
  6. Identify and operate common laboratory equipment and data gathering tools such as
    microphones, function generators, speakers and mechanical oscillators, lenses, and
    computer simulations to gather information about a system or phenomenon.
  7. Design experiments, analyze uncertainty, and use experimental results to develop and
    assess models and/or to develop empirical equations and communicate these findings both
    orally and in writing.
  8. Solve problems accurately by: identifying or estimating essential information and questions,
    formulating a solution strategy, applying appropriate analytical and computational techniques
    (e.g. spreadsheets, simulations), interpreting the solution physically, and assessing the
    reasonableness of the solution (e.g. sign, order of magnitude).

Course Objectives

  1. Recognize intuitive ideas about the behavior of the physical world and refine these ideas
    through class discussions and by comparing and contrasting these ideas with results from
    experiments and computer simulations.
  2. Interpret and communicate concepts through written descriptions, equations, graphs, and
    diagrams using appropriate symbols, notation, and vocabulary.
  3. Describe the characteristics, propagation, reflection, and superposition of linear waves both
    graphically and mathematically.
  4. Apply ray, wave, or photon models as appropriate to solve problems involving light interacting
    with boundaries, lenses, mirrors, obstructions, openings, and atoms.
  5. Apply the de Broglie wavelength concept to simple examples to calculate quantized energy
    levels and explain Heisenberg‘s uncertainty principle.
  6. Identify and operate common laboratory equipment and data gathering tools such as
    microphones, function generators, speakers and mechanical oscillators, lenses, and
    computer simulations to gather information about a system or phenomenon.
  7. Design experiments, analyze uncertainty, and use experimental results to develop and
    assess models and/or to develop empirical equations and communicate these findings both
    orally and in writing.
  8. Solve problems accurately by: identifying or estimating essential information and questions,
    formulating a solution strategy, applying appropriate analytical and computational techniques
    (e.g. spreadsheets, simulations), interpreting the solution physically, and assessing the
    reasonableness of the solution (e.g. sign, order of magnitude).