Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

ENST 115 Environmental Science Laboratory

This laboratory involves the hands-on study of trophic interactions, soil erosion, stream ecology, species diversity, intra- and inter-specific competition, and population dynamics. This laboratory is designed to complement the lecture component of environmental science (ENST 105) with an emphasis on data collection, data analysis, and field trips to local waste management sites.




Pre- or corequisite: ENST 105

Hours Weekly

3 hours lab weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the steps of the scientific method and apply it to environmental questions or problems.
  2. Identify and describe trophic and species interactions within an ecosystem.
  3. Identify and describe sources that contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change, as well as solutions to those problems.

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the steps of the scientific method and apply it to environmental questions or problems.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Post-laboratory assignments

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Scientific Reasoning Rubric
  2. Identify and describe trophic and species interactions within an ecosystem.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Post-laboratory assignments

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Scientific Reasoning Rubric
  3. Identify and describe sources that contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change, as well as solutions to those problems.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Post-lab assignment