Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

ECON 101 Principles of Economics (Macro)

This course introduces students to important economic issues which affect an entire economy. Students will more comfortably read and understand books, newspapers, and magazines with economic content. Topics include demand and supply theory, gross domestic product determination, inflation, unemployment, the role of the government and public choice, fiscal and monetary policy, and foreign exchange rates and trade.




Eligible to enroll in ENGL 121

Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Identify and organize information on a topic in macroeconomics.
  2. Generate an argument on an issue in macroeconomics and consider alternative arguments.
  3. Analyze and evaluate ideas related to topics in macroeconomics.
  4. Apply general ideas of macroeconomics to a specific economic issue.

Course Objectives

  1. Identify and organize information on a topic in macroeconomics.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Economics Critical Thinking Assignment

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Critical and Creative Thinking Rubric

    Critical Thinking

    • CT1
  2. Generate an argument on an issue in macroeconomics and consider alternative arguments.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Economics Critical Thinking Assignment

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Critical and Creative Thinking Rubric

    Critical Thinking

    • CT2
  3. Analyze and evaluate ideas related to topics in macroeconomics.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Economics Critical Thinking Assignment

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Critical and Creative Thinking Rubric

    Critical Thinking

    • CT3
  4. Apply general ideas of macroeconomics to a specific economic issue.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Economics Critical Thinking Assignment

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Critical and Creative Thinking Rubric

    Critical Thinking

    • CT4