Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Transfer Students

Transfer students follow general application procedures. Specific procedures apply for transfer students seeking credit for prior college-level coursework. Students planning to transfer to Howard Community College should arrange to meet with an academic advisor. In addition to standard application procedures, students seeking credit for prior college-level coursework must declare an area of study and officially request a transcript evaluation by completing and submitting a Transcript Evaluation Request Form. Transfer students must also submit official transcripts. Students may be asked to submit other documentation necessary for evaluating their transcripts. The Transcript Evaluation Request Form is available in the office of admissions and advising ( or online at

FOREIGN TRANSCRIPTS–The college will award transfer credit when appropriate for prior college-level coursework successfully completed at foreign colleges and universities. However, students with foreign transcripts must have a course evaluation completed by a nationally accredited foreign transcript evaluation service and submit such evaluations to the office of admissions and advising for further review. Generally academic credit is not awarded for English composition or literature courses taught at a college or university outside of the US. Otherwise, the same policies and procedures that apply to coursework completed at US colleges and universities are used. A listing of several international credentialing agencies is available in the office of admissions and advising and on the website ( Information regarding such services is available in the office of admissions and advising (

Please consult Credit for Prior Learning for details regarding credit for prior learning policies.