Traditional Prior Learning
COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY CREDIT– Credit may be granted by HCC for coursework completed at accredited colleges and universities. Transfer credit is granted by HCC based on a student’s area of study. A grade of “C” or higher is required for College Composition and also any coursework that is prerequisite to nursing and allied health clinical courses. HCC may award credit for other coursework completed with a grade of “D” or above. While “D” grades may satisfy general education requirements at transfer institutions, ”D” grades may not satisfy specific course requirements directly related to a student’s area of study at HCC or at the transfer institution. Students are advised to check with prospective transfer institutions about specific grade requirements.
INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY CREDIT– Credit is awarded, as appropriate, for coursework completed at international colleges and universities. However, HCC’s office of admissions and advising generally does not evaluate international transcripts. Students seeking credit for coursework completed at international colleges and universities must have their transcripts evaluated by an international credentialing agency that is a nationally recognized accredited agency in the United States. Students must submit an official copy of the results directly to HCC’s office of admissions and advising. Credit may be granted for international coursework based on the results of such evaluations. Generally, academic credit is not awarded for English composition or literature courses taught at a college or university outside of the United States. Otherwise, the same policies and procedures that apply to coursework completed at U.S. colleges and universities are used. Additional information and a list of several international credentialing agencies are available in the office of admissions and advising and on the HCC website.
HIGH SCHOOL ARTICULATION CREDIT– Students who have completed Howard County Public School System career programs through Career Academies may be eligible for academic credit at HCC through an articulation agreement with the school system. Eligibility for this credit is based on a number of factors, including the student’s area of study, other college coursework the student has completed, the student’s grade in the high school course, and the specific terms of the articulation agreement. Students must submit an official high school transcript and an articulated credit form (available in high school guidance offices, HCC’s office of admissions and advising, and on the HCC website) to the office of admissions and advising. The award of credit for high school coursework does not guarantee that transfer institutions will grant credit for these courses or grant credit in the same way.