Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

High School Students

SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS—Various enrollment options are available to secondary school students. In addition to general Maryland State laws and college policies regarding admission to the college, specific policies and procedures apply regarding the admission of dually enrolled eighth through twelfth grade students. As with all other students, admission to the college is not a guarantee that a student can enroll in specific courses unless appropriate prerequisites are fulfilled. HCC reserves the right to grant admission to secondary students, including home-schooled students, on an individual basis. Consent to enroll is dependent on fulfillment of specific application requirements and on what the college determines to be in the student’s and its own best interests.

Articulation agreements exist between the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) and HCC that enable students who have completed specific high school courses or programs to receive college-level credit at HCC. These credits are based on the specifications and requirements stated in these agreements, and the HCC area of study the student selects. These agreements are subject to change and do not guarantee transfer of any credit awarded for high school coursework to other colleges and universities.

The award of high school credit based on HCC coursework is arranged through a student’s high school and does not involve the college in any way.

DUAL ENROLLMENT—Enrollment opportunities in credit coursework are available for high school students throughout the year under certain circumstances. Special enrollment conditions apply based upon state law, public and private school regulations, and college policies. High school students in their junior or senior year may participate in dual enrollment programs. The program enables students to plan their high school and HCC schedules at the same time and complete all or most procedures, including application, testing, and registration, well in advance of general registration periods. Howard County residents who wish to participate in dual enrollment will receive discounted tuition rates during the fall, winter and spring terns,. Howard County Public School students who are approved by their high school counselor may also receive credit towards their high school diploma as well as towards their college degree. Private school students may have to fulfill private school requirements to participate. Additional procedures apply for students in the eighth through tenth grades. (See High School Students policy for information.) Different requirements exist for participation in Continuing Education (noncredit) classes. Generally, students must be 18 years of age or older to participate in noncredit courses with the exception of HCC’s Kids On Campus program and selected other programming.

EARLY ADMISSION—This full-time enrollment option is available for high school seniors only. It enables them to complete high school graduation requirements through full-time enrollment at the college, including at least one college-level English course and one college-level mathematics course, under strict circumstances. The college’s application procedures include completion of the early entrance program application, appropriate placement testing, and an interview with an admissions advisor during which at least one parent or guardian must be in attendance. Students must consult with their high school guidance office for specific high school procedures and for the courses required to satisfy high school graduation requirements. Consent from the appropriate high school officials is required.

JUMPSTART PROGRAM—The JumpStart Program is designed in partnership with HCPSS to provide students with the opportunity to earn up to 60 college credits while in high school. Students participating in selected career and transfer program pathways may earn a college degree within one year of graduating from high school while certain students may earn an associate’s degree when completing the 60 credit option. Structured programs are limited to certain HCPSS high schools and specific HCC career and transfer programs. The flexible option is open to all students either at their home high school or by attending HCC during their academic year. Interested students should speak with their high school guidance counselor for more information on the structured and flexible options.