Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

THET 277 Intermediate Stage Combat: Unarmed

This physically intense course will reinforce safety and partnering techniques in unarmed combat for the stage. Students must work diligently to create a safe environment while portraying a character in a fight performance. Students will demonstrate these advanced partnering skills in class performances. Students will have the option of performing a Skills Proficiency Test in Unarmed for a Fight Master with the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD). If students pass, they receive a certificate of proficiency in Unarmed from the SAFD.




THET 177

Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Define basic terminology
  2. Demonstrate ability to work well with partners through eye contact, targeting, and physical and vocal
  3. Research a character for fight performances
  4. Perform basic drills for each fight style
  5. Create a physical life for a character to portray while fighting
  6. Demonstrate fight and partnering skills in class performances
  7. Analyze professional actor/combatants’ performances

Course Objectives

  1. Define basic terminology
  2. Demonstrate ability to work well with partners through eye contact, targeting, and physical and vocal
  3. Research a character for fight performances
  4. Perform basic drills for each fight style
  5. Create a physical life for a character to portray while fighting
  6. Demonstrate fight and partnering skills in class performances
  7. Analyze professional actor/combatants’ performances