Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

THET 110 Introduction to Theatre

This course will serve as an introduction to the aesthetics and craft of the theatrical experience. It encompasses all aspects of the theatrical arts and production, including the critical viewing of performances with written analysis, creative performance projects, vocabulary, analysis of texts, and the origins of drama and performance.



Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Identify and apply critical theories and concepts related to enduring and contemporary
    issues of aesthetics and creativity, and how the function and significance of theatre affects
    society and cultures.
  2. Incorporate innovation, risk-taking, and creativity into analysis and problem-solving
    methods, by producing a creative project with visual, oral, and written components in
    collaboration with a team.
  3. Pose and address questions related to the confluence of creative expression with social and
    cultural contexts, when reading and witnessing plays.
  4. Analyze and reflect on a theatrical production through a critical lens, assessing, reflecting
    on, and critically analyzing the role of theatre and performance in illuminating the human
  5. Identify, understand, evaluate, and apply ethical reasoning as it applies to the field of

Course Objectives

  1. Identify and apply critical theories and concepts related to enduring and contemporary
    issues of aesthetics and creativity, and how the function and significance of theatre affects
    society and cultures.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Exam

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Creative Process and Humanistic Inquiry Rubric

    Creative Process

    • CP1
  2. Incorporate innovation, risk-taking, and creativity into analysis and problem-solving
    methods, by producing a creative project with visual, oral, and written components in
    collaboration with a team.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Written proposal for presentation with thesis for project, presentation and performance

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Creative Process and Humanistic Inquiry Rubric

    Creative Process

    • CP2
  3. Pose and address questions related to the confluence of creative expression with social and
    cultural contexts, when reading and witnessing plays.

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Text analysis

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Creative Process and Humanistic Inquiry Rubric

    Creative Process

    • CP3
  4. Analyze and reflect on a theatrical production through a critical lens, assessing, reflecting
    on, and critically analyzing the role of theatre and performance in illuminating the human

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Production analysis paper on an HCC or Rep Stage performance

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Creative Process and Humanistic Inquiry Rubric

    Creative Process

    • CP4
  5. Identify, understand, evaluate, and apply ethical reasoning as it applies to the field of

    This objective is a course Goal Only