Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

DHYG 209 Periodontics

This course will examine the histological and clinical characteristics of healthy and diseased periodontium. Topics will include a discussion of the basic concepts of immunity and inflammation as well as the host response to plaque biofilm. Also included will be the periodontal exam, prognosis, treatment planning, and non-surgical periodontal therapy.




BIOL 106, DHYG 100, DHYG 102, DHYG 106, and DHYG 111. Pre- or corequisites: CHEM 103 and NUTR 211


DHYG 150 and DHYG 208

Hours Weekly

2 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Compare and contrast the microscopic, histologic, clinical, and radiographic features of the healthy and diseased periodontium.
  2. List, describe, and differentiate the various periodontal diseases and conditions as classified by the American Academy of Periodontology in 1989 and 199
  3. Describe systemic and non-systemic factors that cause, modify, or contribute to the development of periodontal disease.
  4. Describe the local and etiological risk factors for periodontitis and the relationship of oral biofilms to periodontal infections.
  5. Identify and recite the species of bacteria associated with periodontal health and disease.
  6. Interpret the basic concepts of host response to immunity and inflammation in relationship to periodontal disease and progression.
  7. Discuss the link between nutrition, tobacco, and periodontal disease.
  8. List and describe the components of a comprehensive periodontal assessment, treatment, and maintenance plan for patients.
  9. Demonstrate the use of adjunct chemical agents and host modulation therapy for periodontal disease treatment.
  10. Summarize the surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy concepts used for periodontal treatment.
  11. Demonstrate accurate documentation and insurance reporting of periodontal care and descriptions.
  12. Analyze and complete a comprehensive periodontal case study and a tobacco cessation patient project.

Course Objectives

  1. Compare and contrast the microscopic, histologic, clinical, and radiographic features of the healthy and diseased periodontium.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Treat a variety of patients effectively utilizing safe dental practices and infection control practices.

  2. List, describe, and differentiate the various periodontal diseases and conditions as classified by the American Academy of Periodontology in 1989 and 199

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Treat a variety of patients effectively utilizing safe dental practices and infection control practices.

  3. Describe systemic and non-systemic factors that cause, modify, or contribute to the development of periodontal disease.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  4. Describe the local and etiological risk factors for periodontitis and the relationship of oral biofilms to periodontal infections.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  5. Identify and recite the species of bacteria associated with periodontal health and disease.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Treat a variety of patients effectively utilizing safe dental practices and infection control practices.

  6. Interpret the basic concepts of host response to immunity and inflammation in relationship to periodontal disease and progression.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Treat a variety of patients effectively utilizing safe dental practices and infection control practices.

  7. Discuss the link between nutrition, tobacco, and periodontal disease.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  8. List and describe the components of a comprehensive periodontal assessment, treatment, and maintenance plan for patients.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  9. Demonstrate the use of adjunct chemical agents and host modulation therapy for periodontal disease treatment.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  10. Summarize the surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy concepts used for periodontal treatment.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  11. Demonstrate accurate documentation and insurance reporting of periodontal care and descriptions.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    1. Utilize the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, planning, implementation of instrumentation, and evaluation) to treat a variety of patients using knowledge of instrumentation and radiology.

  12. Analyze and complete a comprehensive periodontal case study and a tobacco cessation patient project.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Program Goal(s)

    Degree: Dental Hygiene - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

    3. Treat a variety of patients effectively utilizing safe dental practices and infection control practices.