Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Students Seeking Readmission

Students who previously attended the college may need to update admission information. This is generally required if a student has not been in attendance for two or more academic years, but may also be required in other instances. If this is necessary, a new application must be completed and proof of residency provided upon request. The application fee will be waived.

READMISSION TO THE CLINICAL PORTION OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS–Readmission to a clinical nursing or allied health program is contingent upon specific criteria, submission of a supplemental readmission application, and available space. Readmit students may have to complete various curricular components and demonstrate competencies through examination. The Accelerated RN Program does not have a readmit option. Former Accelerated RN students may seek readmission through the Traditional RN Program. Students should consult the clinical student handbook for their program to determine procedures for re-entry to clinical coursework. For further information, contact the Office of Admissions and Advising.

REINSTATEMENT–Students who are suspended from the college for academic reasons as of a specific semester, and who want to return for that semester, must submit a letter requesting approval to do so to the Reinstatement Committee. This letter and any supporting information should be submitted to HCC’s office of completion services. Students who were suspended and have been out for one or more semesters may also have to update their admissions information. They must also make an appointment to meet with a retention specialist. (All students who are in academic suspension status must contact Completion Services in the Learning Assistance Center, 443-518-1320 in either case.) See Academic Standards for more information (including academic warning, probation and suspension). Students who have not been enrolled for five or more academic years may be eligible for academic amnesty.

APPLICANTS INVOLVED IN PRIOR DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS-Any applicant involved in previous, current, or pending disciplinary action at another school or postsecondary institution is required to indicate this information on the application for admission to HCC. HCC reserves the right to refuse admission for any applicant involved in previous, current, or pending disciplinary action if that action is deemed to be a threat to the campus community. The college will assess such threat by considering the age of the student when the activity occurred, time elapsed since the activity occurred, nature of the activity, any evidence of rehabilitation provided by the student, likelihood the student will commit a similar act, and likelihood of a similar act to negatively impact the institution.
Applicants involved in previous, current, or pending disciplinary action at another school or postsecondary institution may be required to:
• complete the required sanctions applied by the sanctioning school or institution;
• meet with a representative of the student conduct review committee; and
• provide requested documentation to the student conduct review committee.

APPLICANTS INVOLVED IN PRIOR CRIMINAL ACTIONS-HCC reserves the right to revoke admission for any applicant involved in previous, current, or pending criminal action if that action is deemed to be a threat to the campus community. The college will assess such threat by considering the age of the student when the activity occurred, time elapsed since the activity occurred, nature of the activity, any evidence of rehabilitation provided by the student, likelihood the student will commit a similar act, and likelihood of a similar act to negatively impact the institution.
Applicants involved in previous, current, or pending criminal action may be required to:
• meet with a representative of the student conduct review committee; and
• provide requested documentation to the student conduct review committee.