Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

EDUC 260 Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is an advanced course which surveys current psychological research and theory to address issues of teaching and learning. Instruction will focus on social, emotional, and cognitive development; learning processes; motivation; classroom assessment and management; standardized testing; inclusion of students with diverse learning abilities; and the use of technology to support student learning and achievement. The course will utilize readings, discussions, and small group projects, and is well suited for anyone interested in learning more about learning and teaching. This course meets the Maryland State Department of Education Human Learning requirement for an initial certificate in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education. A 15-hour field experience outside of class time is required. Students are placed in a Howard County Public School or may use a K-12 school where they are employed.




Eligible to enroll in ENGL 121

Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly