Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

International Citizens

Howard Community College is pleased to serve citizens from nations around the world. The college is a diverse learning community that is friendly and welcoming. Students from other nations feel at home and are valued as important members of the college community.   Admission eligibility and tuition rates vary for international citizens based on immigration and residency status and federal and state laws.  All applicants who are not United States Citizens are required to verify their immigration status with specified official documents.  Photocopied credentials are not acceptable.  Students who believe they may qualify for in-state rates should consult the office of admissions and advising.

F1 STUDENTS —Howard Community College issues I-20s to qualified applicants, which they then use to obtain an F1 student visa. Degrees and areas of study are available to F1 students are listed on the International (F1) Student Application for Admission. Prospective F1 students are responsible for submitting all required forms and related documents. The original versions of documents must be submitted; photocopies are not acceptable. All application materials and documents must be submitted well within established deadlines to allow the college adequate time for processing and the prospective student enough time to obtain a visa. Deadline dates are earlier for overseas applicants and those seeking a change of status to F1.

F1 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS–Students residing overseas and students seeking to change to F1 status must fulfill all application requirements by June 1 for the Fall term and by October 1 for the Spring term. Students currently in the United States who are seeking to transfer to the college or change their academic level must fulfill all application requirements by June 30 for the Fall term and by November 15 for the Spring term. Summer semester admission is not available for degree and certificate programs. All requirements and deadlines are strictly up held. Admissions requirements include submission of:

  1. International (F1) Student Application to Certificate and Degree Programs and a $50 non-refundable application fee. 
  2. Official transcript of the TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language (score requirements for degree and certificate programs are 203+ on the computerized version, 537+ on the paper version, and 74 or higher on the web-based version). Students already in the United States may take the college’s placement exam instead of the TOEFL in which case placement into ENGL-086 or higher is required for admission.
  3. Certification of Finances Form, bank statements and statements of support. Students must verify that they can pay for their academic and living expenses before they can be admitted. At present, $34,000 is the cost for a year of study for credit programs. Costs are subject to change.
  4. Official secondary school transcripts verifying graduation and grades.
  5. College/university transcripts (if applicable) translated into English.
  6. Proof of health insurance that covers medical care in the United States is required upon enrollment.

CHANGE OF STATUS TO F1-Additional procedures and forms are necessary for individuals seeking to change their immigration status to international student (F1) status.  It is strongly advised that students seeking a change of status apply at least 90 days prior to the start date of the term for which they plan to enroll.

F1 Transfer Students-Additional procedures, forms, and documents are required for F1 students enrolled at other US institutions seeking to transfer to HCC.  In addition to all other requirements listed for overseas students, applicants are required to submit official copies of transcripts from US institutions attended, along with copies of all previous I-20s, current I 94 and visa.  Students who have not completed English Composition at a regionally accredited institution are required to submit TOEFL scores or to take the HCC English Placement exam prior to admission.

Change of Academic Level-Students seeking to change their academic level at HCC from the English Institute to degree must meet all requirements for overseas students to have a new I-20 issued by the office of admissions and advising.  A $50.00 application fee is required when changing academic levels.

F1 STUDENTS ENROLLED FULL-TIME AT OTHER COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES–F1 students enrolled at other colleges or universities may attend Howard Community College at the same time under certain conditions. Specific procedures must be followed, including submission of the college’s standard application for admission, proof of immigration status (I-94), and submission of a letter of consent to enroll at Howard Community College prepared by the institution that issued the student’s I-20.

Change of Immigration/Citizenship Status– Students whose immigration status has changed as well as those who have become naturalized citizens should complete a Change of Immigration/Citizenship Status Form with an international admissions advisor.

For further information: Prospective F1 students interested in degree programs should contact HCC’s office of admissions and advising at 443-518-4420 or

F1 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ENGLISH INSTITUTE (EI)–Students residing overseas and students seeking to change to F1 status should fulfill all application requirements for the desired term of study. Students must have completed high school in order to apply. The EI has a rolling admission policy, but students are strongly advised to apply 6-8 weeks before the start of each term: Fall (Late August), Spring (Late January), or Summer (mid-May). Admissions requirements for the English Institute include submission of:

  1. The English Institute Application and a $100 non-refundable application fee. Students may be assessed additional fees for special shipping.
  2. Proof of high school graduation/college attendance. Students planning to pursue degree studies at HCC are strongly advised to provide high school transcripts.
  3. Bank statements, a declaration of Financial Support Form and/or Room and Board sponsorship form is sponsorship is provided must be submitted. Students must verify that they can pay for their academic and living expenses before they can be admitted. At present, these costs are $27,192 for a year of study. Students who start in the summer are subject to additional tuition and fees. Costs are subject to change.
  4. Additional documentation is required for applicants transferring from other institutions, applicants seeking to change status and applicants with dependents.
  5. Proof of health insurance for care in the United States is required before registration.

OTHER INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS –In addition to standard application procedures, all other international citizens are required to submit verification of their immigration status at the time of application. Photocopied credentials are not acceptable. Students without the appropriate documentation of immigration status will be admitted, but will be charged the out-of-state tuition rate. Students in the United States on B1 or B2 visas or F2 status are required to meet with the international admissions staff in admissions and advising.

Tuition for international citizens enrolled in credit classes and programs is based upon immigration and legal residency/domicile status. International citizens with Permanent Resident, Refugee or Asylee status who reside in Howard County are entitled to in-county or in-state tuition. They may also be eligible for financial aid and scholarships. International citizens with A, BC, E, G, H1, H4, I, K1, K2, L, N, O, R, SN, T, U, and V visas, and those with Deferred Action and Temporary Protected Status, are eligible for in-county and in-state tuition, but are generally not eligible for financial aid (though some scholarships may be available). HCC’s financial aid services unit verifies eligibility for financial aid and scholarships.

Tuition Information For Undocumented Students –As an open-admission institution, Howard Community College grants admission to all students regardless of immigration status. Maryland legislation (The Dream Act) provides the opportunity for some non-U.S. citizens who attended high school in Maryland to receive in-county or out-of-county tuition rates.  Students who demonstrate documentation as Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) who reside in Howard County or the State of Maryland may be eligible for an in-county tuition benefit.

Dream Act/DACA- For more information about the Maryland Dream Act or DACA and to determine if you are eligible, please contact an international admissions advisor in the office of admissions and advising, RCF-242;; 443-518-4420.  Information is also available on the web at

Those interested in the English Institute should contact 443-518-1681 or (For those calling from outside the US, the US country telephone code is 1). Otherwise, please contact the office of admissions and advising (RCF-242; 443-518-1200, select #3; The college’s website is