Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

EMT-Intermediate to Paramedic Bridge - Certificate (Career)

Application Code 292

For curriculum information, contact the Health Sciences Division—Room HS-236—443-518-1560.

Degree Requirements

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
EMSP-240Paramedic Introduction and Operations

3 credits

EMSP-241Paramedic Introduction and Operations Clinical

2 credits

EMSP-242Airway Management, Patient Assessment And Trauma

4 credits

EMSP-243Airway Management, Patient Assessment And Trauma Clinical

3 credits

EMSP-244Cardiovascular Emergencies And Trauma

3 credits

EMSP-245Cardiovascular Emergencies Clinical And Trauma Clinical

1 credit

EMSP-246Medical Emergencies And Trauma

5 credits

EMSP-247Medical Emergencies Clinical And Trauma Clinical

3 credits

EMSP-248Special Needs Patients And Trauma

4 credits

EMSP-249Special Needs Patients Clinical And Trauma Clinical

2 credits

EMSP-251Paramedic Internship And Trauma Clinical

5 credits

EMSP-253Paramedic Licensure Examination Preparation

3 credits

A grade of “C” or better is required in each course in order to remain in the program.

Total Credit Hours: 38