Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Transfer Studies – Certificate (Career)

Application Code 224

For curriculum information, contact the Arts and Humanities Division—Room HVPA-200—443-518-1480.

The Transfer Studies certificate is designed for students who intend to transfer to a four-year college or university. Students should meet with an advisor to select appropriate courses required by the transfer institution(s) of interest.

Degree Requirements


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Humanities, Arts, or Literature Core Course


Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Course



Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Science Core Courses


must include one course with lab


Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits
Mathematics Core Course



Course NumberTitleMinimum Credits


Electives: Students should meet with an advisor to choose elective courses to fulfill additional general education requirements and/or academic major requirements of the transfer institution(s).

Note: Students may be enrolled in both a major and in the Transfer Studies certificate at the same time. As they enter the semester in which they fulfill the 30-credit requirement for the Transfer Studies certificate, students may apply for and be issued a certificate. Students considering staying at HCC to complete an AA or AAS degree should choose courses that meet the general education requirements and/or academic major requirements of that degree.

To be eligible for financial aid, students enrolled in the Transfer Studies certificate must also be enrolled in an associate’s degree program.

Total Credit Hours: 30