Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Military, Veterans, BRAC Personnel and Dependents

Howard Community College welcomes the opportunity to assist military personnel, their families, and veterans in achieving their academic goals. HCC has been named as one of Military Advanced Education’s Top Military Friendly Colleges and Universities. The college is a member of Service Members Opportunity Colleges (SOC), and has signed the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding as a SOC member. The college also serves participants in the Veterans’ Educational Assistance program.

ACTIVE DUTY AND DEPENDENTS–The application fee is waived for all active duty military personnel and their dependents. In accordance with Maryland state law, all active duty personnel and their qualified dependents are eligible to pay in-state tuition regardless of legal residence. Active duty personnel and dependents residing in Howard County are eligible to pay in-county tuition.

MARYLAND NATIONAL GUARD MEMBERS–­Maryland National Guard personnel are entitled to a fifty percent discount if they are legal residents of Howard County. Maryland National Guardsmen who reside outside the county or the state are entitled to a twenty-five percent discount of their applicable tuition rate. Submission of the State Tuition Waiver Letter is required each term. Guard personnel should consult with their commanding officers and the Office of Records, Registration and Veterans Affairs for additional information.

VETERANS–The college has Veterans Affairs services offered through the Office of Records, Registration and Veterans Affairs. It also has a Veterans Deferred Payment Plan. An honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces is exempt from paying out-of-state tuition, regardless of legal residency, if: a) the veteran presents the college with documentation that he or she attended a public or private secondary school in Maryland for a specified number of years; and b) either graduated from a public or private secondary school in Maryland, or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in Maryland. The college has Veterans Affairs services and a Veterans Deferred Payment Plan. See veterans’ benefits.

BRAC–Individuals and their dependents relocating to Maryland due to Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) are entitled to a waiver of the three month residency requirement based on State law. Those residing in Howard County will be entitled to in-county tuition; those residing elsewhere in Maryland are entitled to in-state tuition rates. Specific procedures must be followed, including completion of the college’s BRAC certification form. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions and Advising (RCF-242;;; 443-518-1200, select 3.)

Military, veterans and BRAC personnel should contact the Office of Admissions and Advising for information pertaining to enrollment, transcript evaluation, and tuition assistance as appropriate. Also see Military Education and Training (page 37) and Pay for College (pages 23-28). Further information regarding National Guard tuition discounts and veterans affairs is available through the Office of Records, Registration and Veterans Affairs at Military personnel should also refer to the Veterans Affairs section on page 26. Further information is also available at